Little Creatures:


A community celebration featuring art and poetry to honor insects and other invertebrates who make life possible for all of us.

August 12 - September 28, 2023
Boulder Public Library Canyon Gallery

“If humanity depends so completely on these little creatures that run the earth, they also provide us with an endless source of scientific exploration and naturalistic wonder.”

E.O. Wilson – (The Little Things that Run the World)

Whether you love them or hate them, your life depends on insects. Insects, spiders, and other tiny creatures are the mostly invisible frontline workforce that provide all of us with essential goods and services–food, clean air and water, waste removal, and natural pest control. The ecosystems they inhabit keep us safer by reducing the risks of floods and wildfires. Thanks to insects, we live in a beautiful, colorful and fragrant world.

But insects are in trouble. And it’s mostly due to our actions. Join our community in exploring how our perceptions about insects are contributing to insect decline and how we can take action together to save insects, and ourselves.

Meet Some Creatures

©2023 Little Creatures Insect Art Exhibit | All rights reserved