Watershed Restoration & Conservation

With roots in the Left Hand Watershed, the mission of The Watershed Center is to protect and restore watersheds for people and the environment using a collaborative and science based approach.

The Watershed Center works towards the following goals in pursuit of our mission:

  • Science - Use collaboration and the best available science to understand watershed conditions across ecosystems and the solutions needed to increase watershed resilience to climate change and other challenges.

  • People - Build a shared stewardship ethic among stakeholders, scientists, and community members through engagement, collaboration, outreach, and connection.

  • Solutions - Plan and implement cross-boundary projects that protect healthy ecosystems, mend impaired ecosystems, and prepare watersheds for the impacts of climate change.

Daniel Hanson

Daniel graduated from the University of Colorado, Boulder in the spring of 2022, with a degree in Environmental Studies and a minor in Geography. Daniel is currently serving an 11 month CivicSpark Fellowship with the City of Boulder, Climate Initiatives department & Cool Boulder Campaign, with the goal of building capacity within the team, and building climate and social resilience within the community.


Sierra Club - Indian Peaks Group


Nude Foods Market